VIBRANT WELLNESS TICKBORNE COMPLETE - [Includes test kit, completion of requisition form, tracking of samples, receipt of report, review of report by doctor with conclusions, and a 30-minute appointment with patient to review the test and make recommendations for further care.] |
Ticks usually need between 24 and 72 hours to effectively transmit any diseases they are carrying and, if found in time on the host, can be removed before they transmit infectious microorganisms to the host.
Because many symptoms of tickborne diseases are generic or mimic other conditions, these diseases often go undiagnosed for months, increasing the suffering and disease progression of the patient.
Vibrant is committed to providing resources to advanced medical providers in the field of infectious micro-organisms. A thorough and greatly expanded test menu is now available for tickborne diseases, and opportunistic infections commonly found in humans.
All Vibrant Tickborne testing is performed on our proprietary microarray platform:
All four panels below can be ordered individually or bundled in combinations based on provider preference.
Lyme Plus TBRF (IgG & IgM)
Lyme plus TBRF (PCR)
Coinfections 1 (IgG & IgM)
Coinfections 1 (PCR)
Coinfections 2 (IgG & IgM)
Coinfections 2 (PCR)
Opportunistic Infections (IgG & IgM)
Opportunistic Infections (PCR)