This includes the test kit, requisition filled out and prepped by our office, time for the doctor to review results and a 30 - minute appointment to discuss with the Doctor the test results.
Genetic abnormalities, technically referred as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), are commonly called or thought of as ‘genetic mutations,’ in layman’s terms, however this is not a true representation of what SNPs actually are
A SNP occurs when genetic information is miscopied or mistranslated during RNA translation and results in one nucleotide being different in a strand of DNA
SNPs occur almost once in every 1,000 nucleotides on average, which yields about 4 to 5 million SNPs in a person’s genome1
SNPs can range from harmless to having serious or terminal effects on human health
SNPs that are specifically related to nutrients can either inhibit or promote absorption or production of the nutrient in question
In order to assess the action of a SNP, it is critical to measure the nutrients associated with that SNP
Vibrant’s NutriPro panel is a test to measure levels of various genetic mutations present in an individual’s body along with the measure of the actual nutrient value in order to display where the deficiency or excess is occurring
Testing for the presence of nutritional SNPs can give a complete picture of the predispositions to various nutrient deficiencies along with the current levels of these nutrients and aid practitioners In designing the most effective interventions for dietary deficiency, genetic disorders, and malabsorptive conditions
In addition to Vibrant Micronutrients 3.0, also consider ordering Neurotransmitters, Organic Acids, and diagnostic panels such as anemia, lipids, and CBCs